Can I install heat pump myself?

Heat pump installation is no easy task, but some homeowners are up for the challenge. Below, I will show you all the steps and tools needed to install a heat pump.


Note: Only experienced DIYers should attempt this project. If you need help installing your new heat pump, please contact an HVAC pro near you.

Tools Needed to Install A Heat Pump

In addition to the actual heat pump and condenser, there are other tools necessary to install the system.

· Drill

· Hammer

· Level

· Hole Saw - ½’ Minimal

· Pliers

· Wire Stripper

· Cable Tie

· Tape

Step 1: Install the Condenser

First, we must install the condenser outside the house. The condenser is used to convert and transfer heat and air throughout the home. The condenser is essentially moving heat and air to your desired room.

The condenser must be placed outside the house. Before installation, drill a ½’ hole in the wall for the refrigerant lines. As far as placement, the condenser should be installed at least 4’ away from the house. Also, make sure there is at least 20’ of clear air above and in front. Oftentimes, homeowners have to remove bushes and flowers to make room for the condenser. You can have the unit rest on the ground or mount it, like a TV, to the wall.

Step 2: Add Air Handler Mount

Now, we have to find a place for the air handler, or the device that releases the cold or warm air into the room.

The air handler should be within 30 feet of the condenser. After all, a few cords will be connecting the two. The air handler should be at least 2’ from the ceiling and nowhere near a TV.

Screw in the mounting plate, the device that holds the air handler onto the wall. This is just like mounting a TV. Once the plate is securely fastened, drill a 3’ hole right below the lower right corner. This hole is to ensure we can connect all the lines.

Step 3: Mount the Air Handler

To make things easier when holding the heavy air handler, we want to make sure all lines are securely fastened into the air handler. With the cover off, connect the refrigerant lines, control wire and condensate hose. Additionally, it may be a good idea to connect the three with a cable tie or tape. Some also cover all three with a protective sleeve to ensure none rip as you're snaking them through the walls.

With all cords attached, lift the handler and hold until all cords are in the wall. Then, mount the unit onto the actual plate. Once screwed in, make sure it is securely fastened. Just like a TV, you don’t want it falling down five minutes after installation.

Step 4: Connect the Air Handler to the Condenser

This is the step that can trip people up. Once again, if you need help or have any questions, contact a local HVAC pro near you.

After you snake the wires all the way through the walls to that outside hole, connect the outdoor unit’s power cable to a breaker cable. Then, connect the control wire from the outdoor unit to the air handler. To finalize the connection, take the ends of the refrigerant lines and connect them to the condenser. Some use flare nuts to make the final connection as an extra precaution.

Step 5: Cover the Lines

Just like those ugly television wires, the control wires and refrigerant lines are not a sightly view. Therefore, you can install a plastic covering on your siding if more than a few inches are showing. Just make sure everything is fully fastened before attaching to the wall.

Step 6: Make Final Connections

Before we add the cover to the outside unit, we have to connect a gauge manifold and a vacuum pump to the refrigerant lines. Both can detect leaks, dry the lines if needed and ensure the pressure inside the unit is safe.

Finally, go back inside and install the cover on the air handler.

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